Friday, January 11, 2008

Busy town

A spread from a comic I did last year. Basically it's a Little Red Riding Hood -adaptation. It's in Finnish but the story goes like this: The guy's girlfriend gives him a pack of cigarettes to take to her grandmother. The guy doesn't smoke so when a bum asks him for a cigarette he just says he doesn't have any. Well, the bum just happens to be the old Finnish overgod "Ukko" (which is nowadays used as a word meaning "old guy" or "father" or "husband" -make of that what you will...) and sees the pack of cigarettes in the guy's back pocket. He takes offense and this is what follows.

Where I live there are a lot of people who live on the street. A lot of these people are in a really bad state but some of them are surprisingly lucid. Because they can be very strong characters and their outward appearance is quite similar to the depictions of Ukko, I just thought, what if Ukko didn't go anywhere when Christianity arrived?

The rest of the comic can be found on my blog. Just scroll down a bit.


froggie is... said...

yo yo yo manga man...that's outstanding. love how the action and the path lead us down the page. wonderful job!

Samuli S. said...

Thanks! It is the first and hopefully last manga style comic I have ever done... I'm REALLY opposed to these "right" and "wrong" ways of drawing things. Still, it was fun to go so far outside my own style for a change.

Pascal Kirchmair said...

I agree with you, samuli!