Monday, January 07, 2008

most embarrassing moment

The Monday Artday challenge this week is "most embarrassing moment".
When I was a kid, a short time after my mom bumped off my dad by feeding him meatloaf stuffed with thumbtacks, I came home early from school and quietly walked into the kitchen. I caught my mom pouring Drano into the pot of tomato sauce she was cooking on the stove.
It was quite embarrassing.


Pascal Kirchmair said...

I think it´s more than embarassing...dangerous?

Good drawing!

Bearuh said...

are you kidding?????

valerie walsh said...

haha i think mom was trying to get rid of dad! Very funny and well done!

Bearuh said...


Mary Stebbins Taitt said...

LOL! very cool illo!

One time my monkey ate some drano and had terrible blisters on his tongue and throat, but he did not die.

josh pincus is crying said...

I don't believe, in my 46 years on this planet, I've ever seen those words in that order....
"One time my monkey ate some drano....."

Susan said...

What cookbook does she use!?!
Betty's crocked? Chef no-tel?
you have a great style!