Thursday, May 31, 2007

Embracing A Happy Accident!

I heard somewhere that in art there are moments when odd things happend. It may end up with a whole new style. Well back on earth! I was drawing and without knowing how, I came across this new style. At first it seemed kinda weird but then I felt it might be cool so I drew 5 or more in this style! How do you think of it? should I keep going?!


mike r baker said...

Yes! Keep going! It's a great style. Your other style is also great. Practice them both. If you're not completely comfortable with a single style you should practice many and allow it to influence that one (or two) style you end up with.

Bearuh said...

I agree I like it! Keep it up!!

valerie walsh said...

the more versatile you are the more viability you bring to the marketplace. Have fun and keep up the great work!

Tracy said...

Cute little dude! Looks like my kiddoes EVERY single day looking for matching socks!