Monday, May 28, 2007

Join Us!

I did a great deal of effort to convince myself into adding shades and stuff! Well...hope you like it. A tea party.


Diane Duda said...

This is so sweet and perfect for the theme.

nele said...

how very sweet :)

Bearuh said...

awww how cute.. glad you added the shading!!

Catalina Alvarez said...


mike r baker said...

Wonderful, Maryam! It's sweet and perfect. :)

valerie walsh said...

simply charming, i adore your style!

Ces Adorio said...

This is very pleasant.

Michelle Lana said...

lovely illo!

livia said...

Love the colors and the characters!

Tracy said...

Sweet! Maybe your girlie can join my girlies for a cup of tea. (Please bring your teapot...mine forgot theirs!)