Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Monthly challenge by DaisyB

Here's a few things for the Monthly Challenge. I can't participate for this week's challenge (got myself a great first Monday Artday trophy, yay!), but the second one could've worked for the topic. I might work on a stationnary too, just for the fun of it... 'cause we just can't stop drawing!



mike r baker said...

Cute and wonderful! The second one does work for the topic.

You can always participate. I did after my trophy. I think doing the challenge is were all the fun is. The trophy is just a bit of icing on the cake.

DaisyB said...

You're right... I actually wasn't sure if I could participate.. But I guess the police won't show up to my doorstep if I do, eh? hahahaha

emilayusof said...

Both are adorable, Daisy!