Wednesday, July 04, 2007


The concept of heaven means different things to different people. I really never gave much thought to it, as I always found it very strange. I guess it is supposed to be the place you hope to go, after you die, to spend all eternity.... if you were a good person during your time on earth. I see that as philosophical baloney. However, if such a place exists, and we are presented with an individually-tailored scenario, I would spend my afterlife surrounded by pizza, ice cream, Oreos and a TV showing an endless "Andy Griffith Show" marathon (minus the Warren Ferguson episodes and the ones with Ken Berry).


Zari said...

it's really REALLY a tempting heaven...if calories are not to be counted there it would be great!...but personally i preffer to go to "whiter" place!...v orignal idea! good work!

Unknown said...

Love the details!

froggie is... said...

ahhhh alll those labels. you must have been going KOOOOO-KOOOOO fingers!!! awesome!

so what's wrong with ken berry? he wasn't THAT bad...just um, too disney-esque,maybe.

mmmmm...ben and jerrys. no ken berry...(i'm morphing into homer.)

josh pincus is crying said...

I have nothing against Ken Berry. I love "F-Troop". I didn't like his character in the "The Andy Griffith Show" and how "Mayberry RFD" was supposed to take over where "The Andy Griffith Show" left off.

valerie walsh said...

I sure hope there will be room for one more because pizza is my favourite food too! Great ideas and I totally agree with you!

froggie is... said...

ahhh that's right. he was kind of a weenie in mayberry...much better (and funnier/likable) on f-troop. :)