Friday, September 07, 2007

Godo's dinner

Rejection for IF

Moon for IF

Sacrifice for IF

Sticky for IF

Godo -as any thumb that doesn't like to be called fat- loves food, so can you imagine how often he looks for food everyday?


Michelle Lana said...

So colorful....delicious pieces, pati! awesome.

mike r baker said...

Beautiful! "Sacrifice" and "moon" are quite lovely but the other 2 are vibrant! I love the fun candies in "sticky". "Rejection" is gorgeous! Love the colors. Are those maki rolls? Why is Godo weeping?

pati said...

@ michelle: thanks my friend ;)

@ mike: hehe... Godo is sad because nobody wants to try his rolls :)

mike r baker said...

Oh, Pati! Tell Godo I want a dozen! :)

pati said...

lol now Godo is smiling :D

JC said...

Pati, these are great!!! Your illos are so colorful and fun! I just love the traces of moon around Godo's mouth! heehee

kirchmair said...

really good artwork!

Tracy said...

All of these are adorable! I especially like the Sticky one. Cute li'l Godo :)

pati said...

Thanks Jennifer, Pascal and Tracy :')