Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Your Squiggles

I did a quicky on all of your sqiggles. My daughter and I play this game all the time! It's a really great tool for exercizing the imagination. :)


pati said...

Awwwwwwwww... My favorite is that supercute angel! :P

froggie is... said...

ok, baker...and just what is "where's waldo's kid" holding down there?
a pelvic bone? from a stegosaurus?

a deformed super sized bialy?

a challenge, sir! (whap, whap! my petite riding glove to your cheek!)

what issssss that?????

love the cherub...or is that gabe kaplan...naked again?

mike r baker said...

It's a cardboard mask, Ms. Froggie. Violence is unnecessary. :)

I considered a skull but the jagged edge reminded me of a child with scissors.

froggie is... said...

awwww...and i was gonna be aaron burr.

or, um, bugs bunny! (and then you'd be elmer fudd.)


very cute. that's EXACTLY what i thought it was, too! a cboard mask! :)

Mary Stebbins Taitt said...

WOW! Mike, these are WONDERFUL! You're so good at this! That angel is amazing, they all are!

josh pincus is crying said...

I like the guy in the Jughead hat!

Diane Duda said...

I love them all! The elephant is the sweetest, though. :)

Unknown said...

I'm glad to see that Im not the only one that draws naked babies. HEEHEE. Love these Mike especially the rednosed jughead dude on the bottom and the Elephant.

Maryam Tabatabaei said...

Great job Mike! Hey my dad also used to play it with us when we were kids! It's such a cool game!
I like that angel (that was clever!) and also Peter Pan! Rock on!

JO said...

Very clever, my favorite is the guy with the teethy grin (although they are all great).

kirchmair said...

very good-looking squiggles!

Zari said...

great! soo great! i liked the most the 2 birds...but what are they doing?!

mike r baker said...
