Thursday, January 17, 2008

Persian well

In the central desert of Iran lies a city called Yasd, known as the city of wind towers. The construction is from around the 1400 and is a form of natural convection used to cool homes and wells. The wind is caught at the top and funnelled down, the effect is Astounding! I was surprised at how much cooler it was under the tower, literally several degrees Celsius!... I have been told that a well with this construction can keep a steady 10 degree C even if the temperature above rises to a scorching 40!


Pascal Kirchmair said...

very nice and interesting architectural illustration, I also like the explanation.

Shayla said...

That's amazing! And a lot better looking than an air conditioner. Neat illustration.

Emily said...

I know! If I ever design my own home I want one!.. hehe but then again there are so many things I would want in the would prob end up looking pretty crazy... hum.. new illo idea?

thanks for the comments guys!

Paola Zakimi said...

Hi, I look around your blog first, and I like very much your own tree, this illo is great, thank! see your work!