Thursday, January 17, 2008

Power to the People!

Or, at least those that want it...

Here's the idea: As we have lost Bearuh as judge and jury of Monday Artday (but perhaps gained her back as a contributor), we have discussed the future of Monday Artday awards and have reached a general consensus. We will keep the weekly and monthly awards but with a few changes.

Topics/challenges: I will take any suggestion for a topic from all of you if you want to contribute and I will be in charge of posting the challenges each week.

Weekly judging: The winner of a challenge will pick the next winner (but not the topic) - BUT! If someone should decide to pass on picking the winner (or is more than 3 days late checking in) then I will pick the winner and that winner will pick the next winner. That way the site will continue to run smoothly, winners can choose winners, and no one is obligated to be judge after winning if they don't want to. This is an experiment - if it works, great, if not, I will take over as judge.

Monthly judging: I will be the sole judge for this but feel free to write me with suggestions.

My own participation: I will continue to participate but I must bow out from winning, even when someone else judges. It's only fair.

Announcing the winner: Only I can announce the winner. Judges must submit their choice to me. I will then send the award graphic to the winner, just as Bearuh did.

Winning: Once you win a challenge, you are not elegible to win again for 2 weeks (in other words, a winner you choose may not choose you as a winner).

Are we agreed?

[for more, read the comments under Bearuh's last post]


Susan said...

Makes sense! Thanks forgetting it all together.

josh pincus is crying said...

Can we get back to drawing now?

mike r baker said...

Ha! Okay, Josh. But I think I should give this until this weekend for discussion. I will choose the winner then for the last challenges and we'll go by the new rules.

I'll also announce the next weekly challenge this weekend and then back to announcing on Mondays.

Here's another question: Do we want to continue with 2 callenges a week as Bearuh has done? Or is that unnecessary?

Richard Cardona said...

Thanks Mike. I'm new here but I applaud your stepping up to the plate. I don't see any problem with your work being eligible for judging. FWIW.

- Thanks again!

Samuli S. said...

hear hear! (or however it's spelled) Also, I have a smart-aleck question - which time-zone are we following for the competition "deadlines" lacking a better word? As I'm +6h from the US east coast, and perpetually late it's actually a valid point for me ;)

emilayusof said...

Cool I agree! I think it's good idea too to have a single weekly challenge. Yay! Glad Bearuh will be the contributor!!

Samuli S. said...

I thought the two challenges were there because there have been a lot of people who make these cool objects and then other people who like to draw. Don't know if it was intentional.

Pascal Kirchmair said...

to me it seems to be good changes overall. for the timezone I think this shouldn´t be seen so tight. two challenges or only one, for me it´s more important the challenges are inspiring for me.
I don´t see a problem if you participate, mike.
(as long as you don´t win all the challenges...hehe!)

Unknown said...

Sounds like a plan Stan.

froggie is... said...

ohhhhkay, bergermeister-meister burger baker. then i call if you get to participate that you havta have some kind of "handicap" for the, you havta wear an eye patch, or no glasses (or contacts) um, drink 4 shots of nyquil pm, use only jumbo crayons or, spin around 1000x and then go sit down to draw.

(now THAT one sounds like fun...gonna try that tonight. see if i can find the chair and where to sit.")

mike r baker said...

(thinking that Froggie making herself dizzy is kind of redundant) ;) xoxo

froggie is... said...

(spinning in chair) whhhhhhhhheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!

Sarina Renee said...

lmao I can picture her spinning in her chair now, with hair flying, knees tucked in and a silly smile on her face.

I can also see her trying to find her chair after spinning and falling on her butt in a fit of giggles.

You guys are too much!

helen said...

I agree with your suggestions and good luck.

valerie walsh said...

That is so nice of you for taking the helm Mike. You are such a good guy!