Tuesday, January 15, 2008


I made this one for Illustration Friday. It started out as a child's doll and ended up as a voodoo doll.


Pascal Kirchmair said...

I like this doll, it´s so plastic.

aeneadellaluna said...

This is pretty great! I like it a lot! Very textured..feels real!

josh pincus is crying said...


Susan said...

Yea, we all have those days.

Emily said...

hehe... better not get on your bad side! love the pin shadows.

.pq. said...

Oh, comments, I love it :P

I spend more time than expected on this one, most of it on the shading which just did not want to end up like I wanted it to. The texture was a bit of an experiment, but I think it turned out quite nice.

@emily: Still trying to decide whether or not the shadow over the eye was a good idea. I thought it might be nice to let it look like a tear.