Tuesday, April 01, 2008

Even Pirates Write Their Mumsies

Dear Mother,

I'm doing well. I've been promoted to first CabinImp, and the new responsibility is fun. Don't worry, the treasure hoard is very safe. Yesterday, we netted a young sea serpent and persuaded it to give us rides in exchange for some lemons.

In honor of Talk Like a Pirate Day, I painted an ink doodle of a pirate goblin I had lying around.

Ink: permanent (mostly) Staedler sketchpens. Paints: These are some German watercolors (Angora Deckfarben) my mother bought years ago for my littlest sister or herself, and recently gave to me in an unusual fit of cupboard-clearing. Paper: some sketch paper really not designed for water colors.

Now that I've done this, I've decided I want postcards of it. So I did that, too, over at Whimsical Dreams. It's also available as a print from here, if you prefer deviantArt's printing process.

Originally painted in 2004 or so. I'm still happy with the stripes.

1 comment:

Mary Stebbins Taitt said...

How fun! Love this. He he :-D