Monday, June 09, 2008


I was going to submit this for supernatural, but didn't get it doen in
time and it's still not done--I am a slow worker.

I was thinking of another meaning of the word supernatureal--SUPER
natural is in great nature experiences. But she could also be having
a supernatural experience talking tot he bird, I suppose.

This is a study for a large linoprint. But it turns out the aspect
ratio is wrong so I will have to redo it. I think I will add more
palms to the right? (?)

This is done on 9 x 12 watercolor paper and I was going to paint over
the ink with black gouache, but I may just start over. I did it all
with a very fine point sharpy. I did it in the car on the freeway and
off the free way and there were lots of bumps.

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