Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Arm in Arm in Arm

This week's word reminds me of Remy Charlip's excellent childrens' book!

This one is just plain old pen and ink on academic grade drawing paper:

From 2008_11_14

And this one is the same kind of paper with gouache:

From 2008_11_14

I find that I sometimes get very stuck because I want everything to be perfect, so the objective this week is to complete a picture and then move forward to the next step or next project.


Michelle said...

arg, same happens to me.

jas faulkner said...

Yeah... What can you do other than keep to your chair or stool and keep painting or drawing until you know it's time to sign your name?

mike r. baker said...

I love it! :)

I did something similar once.