Wednesday, February 04, 2009

Host Announcement

Hello, everybody! I'm your host, Mike. I'm your only host as Monday Artday has been left entirely up to me. I love art and illustration and I believe everyone else that does should have as many avenues to pursue that love as possible - and so I host this site (as best I can).

First off, a couple of changes. There will still be a new challenge every week but now the challenge will last for 2 weeks. That means that you have 2 weeks to do the challenge instead of one. The "winner" will be announced in a post and shown on the right under "this week's winner" and the last winner will be moved to "last week's winner". The current challenge and the new challenge will also be shown.

I noticed some pretty great illustrations coming in late so I wanted to give everyone more time and make it official. I hope it's clear and everyone's cool with it.

Also, I dropped the "monthly winner" portion. It's too hard to judge.

Next, I wanted to speak to those who want to join. When you email your request (see the instructions to the right) I receive it personally and have to approve. I need to see your work online so I know you're not a spammer or a prank. Sometimes it takes me a while to approve but I will get to you. You will receive, from Blogger and Monday Artday, an email with instructions on joining. If your account blocks email from Blogger then you may need to check your spam folder. You must accept the invitation in less than a month or it expires. I receive about 20 requests a month and 10 invitations expire before they are accepted. If you don't get your invitation in 3 weeks and think you should have, please email me again.

Last, I want to say something about posting here and "winning". I am the only judge and like everyone, I am susceptible to my own biases. I try to be fair and open-minded and I use comments to help me decide. Comment often! The "winning" part of this blog is just for fun and to give an end to the challenge. In my opinion, everyone who participates is a winner. Your entry is being seen by over 500 people a day, win or lose.

So post often, post for the challenge and post what you are proud of. Don't be afraid to add a link to your site with each post - we like visiting you. And have fun!

EDIT February 5, 2009: You may notice the look around here is changing a bit. New logo, new colors. I'm keeping the birds that Bearuh designed, at least for now (although they will always be here one way or another). I've been wanting a brighter, cleaner look to showcase the art here. More changes coming.

EDIT February 24, 2010: A note to everyone that asks to join Monday Artday... If you are not invited to join in 3 weeks or less, check your spam folder for the invite! If it's not there, email me again and tell me you tried to join once. I invite a lot of people that ask to join that never accept the invitation.


Madonna Davidoff said...

I've been a memeer of your blog but I never posted anything yet so I'll be patiently waiting for the invitation.Keep up the good work.

mike r. baker said...

Maria, to be a member you have to accept the invitation. That means you can post now. At the top of the blog is a link that allows you to sign in and post. Email me if you still have trouble.

josh pincus is crying said...

It looks like I am the final winner of the WEEKLY challenges. It is an honor to have been an historical part of Monday Artday. I am a bit disappointed to learn that the "win" is just for fun. I was sort of counting on some monetary compensation. I bought a Porche in anticipation. Are you sure there's no check?

mike r. baker said...

The day I make money on this time-consuming blog, my friend, is the day I send a check to Josh Pincus. Don't hold your breath. :)

Unknown said...

hi mike! i just wanted to say a big thanks for maintaining this wonderful art project. :)

AtelierBrigitte said...

Hi Mike,
Just want to "comment" that I really appreciate what you do for this blog!
I check everyday for new posts to get inspired. I don't have much time to participate myself but I love viewing other people's work.
The concept of that challenges will be open for two weeks, instead of one, must give me some time to create something.

Keep up the fantastic work you do Mike!!!

Pascal Kirchmair said...

I love the new design, mike...Super!!!

Josh (musarter) said...

All the changes sound good to me.

Mary Stebbins Taitt said...

Thanks for all the work you put in. Should we then not post "random art" now that I just did, the way we used to? Only on topic?

Mary Stebbins Taitt said...

I meant THANKS for the work you put in maintaining the site! Your art is GREAT, too!

mike r. baker said...

By all means, post art you're proud of, not just for the challenge. Add a link to your site or blog too. Inspire us!

imwithsully said...

Lovely to see you take this site over and clean it up a bit. That's one of the main reasons I stopped participating. I'll have to get myself back involved now :)

Unknown said...

After we are accepted, do we post our illustrations direct to the blog in order to join in the weekly challenge or email them to you?

Salomé said...

Hi Mike! Thank you so much for the speedy response to "I want to join!". I've accepted the invite no hassles and now only need my FIRE-submission.

Really excited!

Thank you!

Salomé said...

Mike, I couldn't help but notice in "A Message From Your Host", that a lot of people comment and ask the same question. With so many people visiting regularly and wanting to join, I'd like to suggest a FAQ-link to accompany "JOIN THE FUN".

Perhaps even a few screenshots on taking you from 'joining' right up to your first post.

Just an idea. Use it or lose it. Might just save you some time and frustration perhaps.

Andrew Finnie said...

Thanks for having me Mike :)

Art by Katalin said...

Hello Mike!Thank you for your fast response to 'I want to join'!I've been visiting this blog for a while now and I'm glad to be a part of it! :)
One can I add the Monday Artday link to my blog? I couldn't seem to figure out that one yet.Thanks!

Julie said...

Hi Mike,

Thanks for inviting me to join. I looked at this week's challenge and it ended on Feb. 1st. You must not have caught up for this week, right?

mike r. baker said...

Yes, I think a FAQ would be a good idea. Thanks! I'll work on that soon.

If I am late with updating this site, it is most often the case that I am sick - while I am generally quite healthy, I have cancer and have to receive treatments and hospitalization occasionally. I look forward to better health in the future so bear with me. Thanks!

Julie said...

Mike, so sorry to hear you have cancer. I know you are doing your best. I'm sure everyone appreciates all the effort you put into this blog.

Feeling Artsy said...

Thanks for having me Mike and thank you for being the host!!! I'm sure it's a lot of work!
FAQ section sounds perfect. One I would look for is: how do I grab the Monday Artday link (button) so that I can put it on my blog? Thanks again.

WilsonW said...

Thanks for the invite Mike!!! I can't wait to contribute!!! ;)