Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Self Portrait of myself at Eight

This painting is part of my paintings called
The little Girl Series

This painting is part of my " The little Girl Series " They were started when my mother just passed. When someone you love very deeply is gone, there will always be an emptiness inside you. I felt very very empty and sad when my mom died and very, very alone. My mother always told me that I will always be her little girl. These paintings are a tribute to that period of my time with her as a child.


Flor Larios Art said...

Sweet tribute to your mom. Very nice painting wishing on a star...
I am sorry about your loss.

I invite you to visit my blog I am having an art box giveaway this Friday...see you there!

Madonna Davidoff said...

I will vivit your blog this friday.thank you Flor

Madonna Davidoff said...

I will vivit your blog this friday.thank you Flor

Annette Q said...

Wow, this is just so beautiful:-)
sorry for your loss

Beth Niquette said...

Your style is lovely. I do so enjoy your work.

I am so sad you lost your Mom. I have not lost a parent yet, though they are frail, but I have lost a brother, and many other precious family members.

Your tribute here is beautiful.

Betker said...

Very beautiful painting. Have to agree with you completely about loss. Glad your memories are so warm and full of light! Lovely work.