Bubbles was racing down the hill looking for a muddy spot to fall in. She stopped suddenly and laughed. "What a silly sight," she said. Hanging upside down in a tree like a monkey was Applejack. "How did you get up there?" asked Bubbles. Applejack whinnied in embarrassment. "I was jumping for apples. I jumped so high that I caught my heels on the branch." Bubbles sighed. "Your appetite for apples is always getting you in trouble, Applejack!" Then she helped Applejack out of the tree, and was treated to a fine red apple from her thankful friend.
Quote from here
My first and only My Little Pony was Applejack. I liked him very very much. I don't know what happened to him, but I remember he was orange with apples on his side. So when I found out this challenge for Monday Artday I had to google him. He's not as shiny and glittery as the newer ponies, but I think he's kept his charm.
Cute! You can find him on ebay. :)
This is a great MLP. I think it is my favorite so far. I really like the perspective, composition, and texture.
He's cute! I had one of those ponies before this glitery ones! It was pink and had hearts on his back..so simple :)
Thanks for your nice comments!
This was a really nice challenge, I even went through the attic trying to find my old my little pony. Hmmm... Maybe I should check that one on ebay :)
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