Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Tix and Bad Trips Rabbit

Silly rabbit... Tix are for tickbirds!

Update: @#%$! An alert blogger just brought to my attention that Wacky Packages beat me to the punch with the "Tix" concept. It was meant to be a homage to Wacky Packs not a total knock-off... I should've Googled first. I've got a couple of other ideas for a Trix parody, maybe I'll try one of them, and see if I can redeem myself.

Revised Trix Parody...
"Bad Trips": The cereal that melts in your mind not in your spoon!

I was able to salvage the illustration by changing the name of the cereal... I think that did the trick!

© 2009 Barry/Right-Hemisphere Laboratory

My Blog


Nick Fechter said...

Funny, the same thing happens with Captian Crunch, except it's ten times worse.

Great Drawing :)

aeneadellaluna said...

crazyyyyy bunnie ihihhi

Josh (musarter) said...

Great idea. Awesome bunny. I like re-working of the Trix box.

Unknown said...

Schweet Wacky Packages Trix rabbit. Very fun, I did a Frosted Snakes package years ago, actually printed and created a real carton too. Nice work!

FrankenBarry said...

Hi Jeff – Thanks for pointing out that Wacky Packages beat me to the punch with this idea. I meant for it to be a homage to Wacky Packs not direct knock-off... I should've Googled before drawing. I'd like to see your "Frosted Snakes" illustration... do you have a link?

Chud Tsankov said...


MrBibleHead said...

Very great!

Gail said...

I love your work,I went to your site, the crazy laboratory, Wow. You are very talented. I am a self taught artist that just draws for fun, and love it. Love to look at other peoples rendention of things and getting and giving comments.