"The Epsilons" (epsilon- vanishingly small quantities) are what my husband and I called our two children when they were very young children. We still call them "Epsilons" sometimes but they are now teen and pre-teen agers. They loved to build tents in our living room using blankets, sheets, comforters and quilts. They used the furtniture to prop up and anchor the sheets. At one point, they slept at night in the makeshift tent. They begged me not to take them down. Visitors would come to our house and find these blanket tents - an awful mess - and laugh. We sometimes received our visitors in the kitchen or carport. I could not find the heart to take down these tents or "houses" for the sake of having a tidy house. I figured they would soon grow up and tire of playing these games. Their father and I let them enjoy their games. When I was young, we did the same thing. My sisters and I built houses using blankets and my Mother never told us to take them down because the visitors may find them messy. I am always grateful for that. I drew this picture on my Moleskine pocket notebook this afternoon. The big feet are unique features of a character named Isabella Wellesley, who has been living in my Moleskine notebooks for more than four years.
WoW Ces! This is so impressive! The patterns are ingenious!!! The details are impeccable and the fact that you use pen makes it even more incredulous! (Did you notice that I used 4 adjectives that begin with an I?) I didn't do that on purpose but the types of words that one uses to describe your art are intelligent and inestimable!
The patterns are amazing.
Oh, I love this! And your post is great. Enjoyed reading it!
Nice post. My kids love building these tents too!
My brother and I used to love doing this too. You're such a lovely Mom for not taking them down!! I love the detail in your drawings, fantastic characters too.
great drawing!
i love love love how the patterns play off eachother. imagine yourself as a fashion designer!!!
whoever wore the clothes you designed would be the talk of the town.
Wonderful pen and ink drawing, and very ambitious! I love the character's big feet. Thanks for bringing me back to memory lane :)
Beautiful drawing! I love all the textures in it. And I can see the love in it too. :)
Thank you guys. I am telling you, I am having so much fun coming up with ideas for this challenges and they also inspire me to create more.
Oh Val!!!
What a lovely story & drawing, Ces! Thank you.
I love Moleskine drawings. This is my favorite.
What an amazing illustration! I love all the detail ... wonderfully done!
good job ces! I use to build forts like mad when i was little!
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