Sunday, July 15, 2007


This week's word on another illustration website is "discovery".

I shouted sayonara/It didn't mean goodbye

I guess I'm going to take on every fairy tale ever written, one at a time. I already did "Little Red Riding Hood".
Discovery plays a big part in "Goldilocks and the Three Bears".

Leave a comment and let me know what you think.


froggie is... said...

uhhhh, josh? could you take a walk over to my website blog...see "goldie"...i'm on my third "fairytale" concept since june. have 4 more to go, for a publication piece.


froggie is... said...

and this is TOTALLY great by the the bowls, her big foot...the bed. wonderful! :)

Tracy said...

Chicken Girl is doing mock covers for fairy tales and nursery rhymes right now, too! That Goldilocks is one piggy little thing! Look at that mess she made! The bears certainly look like they've discovered something strange in their bed. (That could be interpreted wrong...)

froggie is... said...

i love the cheetos...

see? goldilocks was the real slob. the bears were just out for a family walk. :)))

wow, tracy! what's so neat about it is that we all see it differently, from artist to artist. :)