Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Morning Ritual (Getting Ready)

I like to stretch while drinking some coffee.


josh pincus is crying said...

great pose!
looks totally natural on that guy!

mike r baker said...

Hope you got a lot of room in those pants. :)

Pascal Kirchmair said...

I´d love to be in such good shape! The illo is funny!

aeneadellaluna said...

He must have been taking ioga classes!

Michelle Henninger said...

I taught yoga for 10 years, and I still could never pull that off. Always slopped my tea all over myself. ha ha. Great illo.

JC said...

Hehe funny!!! very unique way to drink your coffee! =)

Richard Cardona said...

That's one way to never spill coffee on your pants! Great Illo Josh.

Emily said...

I am more impressed by the versatility of his feet!

Josh (musarter) said...

Thanks all for the comments.