Friday, June 27, 2008


My Hometown - Bronx, New York
Break dancing came about in 1969 when disc jockey, record producer and visionary Afrika Bambaataa convinced the members of the Bronx street gang of which he was warlord to challenge rival gangs to battle with macho dance routines, in lieu of guns and knives. Its popularity literally hit the streets of New York City in the mid 70's where more emphasis was placed on groundwork involving stylized leg movements, with spectacular hand-gliding, windmilling, back and head spinning power moves.
Hoofing marks the realization that almost everything I paint involves circles. Check for yourself, if you don't believe me. As shapes go, circles are satisfying, and they keep dropping in on my artwork, unannounced. They symbolize harmony, wholeness and the non-linear nature of life and time; the four seasons, for example - birth, life, aging and death. Of course, somewhere in the middle of all that spiritual stuff, we throw a big piece of cardboard on the ground, crank up some Grand Master Flash and BREAKDANCE! Yeah!

1 comment:

Pascal Kirchmair said...

I like his move, very nice!