Monday, June 23, 2008

Rainbirds CD

At this moment in my life if I were to design a CD cover, I would submit this:
In the vain of Guerilla Art, I'm doing a 'giveaway'challenge in which readers comment on positive goodbyes which I call Rainbirds. The winner receives a signed photographic print of this illustrative collage entitled Rainbirds. Though 'goodbyes'' are often considered sad, somber events there is also great freedom and release in deciding to say goodbye and doing it. So if your interested in winning a print of this image, please go to my website -Amarettogirl and leave me a comment about the 'rainbird' in your life by the fourth of July!!! (It'll be our way of celebrating Independance Day!!) It would be great if the winner would also do a giveaway of art in exchange!! - Amarettogirl a.k.a. marisol diaz

1 comment:

Robin Pedrero said...

I adore this piece of art!