Tuesday, December 08, 2009

Tim and the Frogs

Well, I hope you don't mind, I made two images for "Frog'. Illustrator: Andrew Finnie, http://andrewfinnie.blogspot.com/ This is what I originally had in mind till I brought Santa in,,, as always, click for big if you would like.


mike r. baker said...

Cool. I like it.

Clifford said...

Yes, very good illustration... children's books come to mind..have you do any? You should.

Andrew Finnie said...

Thanks Mike and Clifford. appreciate your kind words.....I have an illustrated novel 75 pages all done and ready to go hunting for a publisher/agent after I tweak it.... I need a rest before I do that, so will set about that in Feb. Cheers again Andrew

. justin segal said...

Nice one, Andrew! There's nothing like a ton of frogs to be just a little bit scary and 100% full of wonder. Great job!

Andrew Finnie said...

Hay! Thanks Justin, I was never scared of frogs till I started illustrating them :)