Saturday, January 19, 2008

And the Winner is...

Alright, here's where I find out just how hard Bearuh's job was. The judging! Who do I pick? All of the excellent pieces stand out on different merits, making picking a winner so difficult! Just this once I'll list the challenge-takers I found here...

I chimed in first with a clash of children's illustrators, then there was Aeneadellaluna's beautiful piece, Diana Evans' sweet busy town, Emily did an arboreal busy town, Helen's Venice was certainly busy, Susan did a nice abstract, Samuli's always amazing comic book style, Emila's beautiful sketchbook drawing (welcome back!), Froggie's hilarious (and great Richard Scary style!) busy town characters, Pasuita's excellent interpretation, Richard Cardona's incredibly expressive illustration, and SeƱorita Pil's charming rendering.

It breaks my heart that I can't pick you all but I can only pick one. So I will choose the illustration I felt really showed a lot of elements of a busy town as well as a lot of emotion - new-comer Richard Cardona!

Congratualtions, Richard!

As winner, Richard can pick next week's winner or bow out and I will choose. Richard will recieve his award by email soon. Thanks, everyone!

Update: As we had a second competition last week that Curlyillustrator and Josh Pincus both competed in, it's only fair to award a winner. This winner will not choose another winner as we are ceasing the second competition. Both illustrations were excellent but I think Josh did some awesome work here and so Josh is the winner for the Most Embarrassing Moment challenge!

Congratualtions, Josh!


Pascal Kirchmair said...

hi mike!
It´s nice of you to name the participants of the first challenge.
but maybe for this time the second challenge "embarassing moment" should have a winner too.

Zari said...

Contrats to the winner!

-i guess Pascal has a point, i think it's better if there is a wnner for "embarassing moment"...even if he can't chose the next winner :P

mike r baker said...

Hmm... Yes, that does seem fair. Only Curlyillustrator and Josh took up that challenge. Both great illustrations. I must say, Josh's illustration is one of the best executed I've seen from him - very impressive. Okay, I'll give this some thought. Thanks! :)

Samuli S. said...

Congrats to the winners! And Mike, thanks for the direct links to the winning illos (and others). Up til now I've been a bit lost trying to find them every week.

Richard Cardona said...

Thanks, and I'll be happy to choose the next winner, can I ask for Josh's input? Am I allowed to do so? Thanks again!

emilayusof said...

Congrats to Richard and John!

Zari said...

Congrats to both winners! ;)

mike r baker said...

Congrats to Richard and Josh! You both deserve it.

Richard, of course you can consult Josh if you want.